Chad Flett (Sr. P) 2009 Desert Classic at the San Diego Padres Complex in Peoria, AZ

 ATTENTION:  300 YARD SHUTTLE:  set a marker for a starting line and set a marker at 50 yards away.  You will run and touch the 50 yd marker, head back and touch the starting marker (100), turn around and touch the 50 yd marker again, head back and touch the starting marker again (200), turn around and touch the 50 yd marker again, and finish through the starting line (300).  Time yourself or your partner.  You will need to be able to finish two of these in under 57 seconds upon arrival in the Fall.

Foundational Phase

Duration: June 1 - August 10

Time of Year:  Off-Season

Days per Week:  3

Load:  60% of 1RM

Reps: 15

Sets:  3

Week of 7/19-7/26


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Long Toss

DB Row

Long Toss

DB Bench Press

Triple Threat

5 – 30 yard sprints


Jog 300 yards

Plyo-Ball Push-Ups

Tuck Jumps

3 – 100 yard sprints

Plyo Ball Sit-Ups

2 x 300 yard shuttle

Offset Push-Ups

1-minute bridge/planks x 2


Seated Row


Rollie Pollie sit-ups (keep knees and elbows together with partner

Med Ball Tosses

Forearm Superset

Y, T, W, L's

V-Ups and Bicycles

Forearm Superset

1-minute bridge/planks x2

3-Way Calf Raise


100 push-ups

Take 1 day off per week (Day 7).  There should be 1 more day per week that you play long toss and hit (Day 6).  

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